So, I don’t do this often enough, but when I do, I forget how to do it EVERYTIME.  The below allows a specific user access to a specific database from a remote connection.

UPDATE db SET host='FQDN' WHERE db='database_name';
UPDATE user SET host='FQDN' WHERE user='user_name';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'user_name'@'FQDN' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';

FQDN refers to the server that is making the connection to the database server.

On a properly secured system, sudo access should never be provided.  Even if it is provided, one should avoid letting loose on the access.  It’s best practice to only enable specific commands that enable the end user to complete their jobs.  However, some battles cannot be won.  So, let’s discuss removing access to certain items.  We’ll do this using visudo.

Execute this command to get started:


The first thing we should do is specify a log where so we can quickly delineate the actions being taken by sudoers

Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

We then want to force sudoers into a headache and make sure they type in their password every single time.

Defaults timestamp_timeout=0

Now we want to make things easier on the eyes and create aliases so our later command is easier to look at quickly

Cmnd_Alias NVSU = /usr/sbin/visudo
Cmnd_Alias NSU = /bin/su
Cmnd_Alias NSHELLS = /bin/sh,/bin/bash
Cmnd_Alias NYUM = /usr/bin/yum
Cmnd_Alias NPASSWD = /usr/bin/passwd

And finally, we enforce our settings on the appropriate group of users that have sudo access:


The above line indicates that whomever is part of the group_name, can execute everything, as any user, and run all commands EXCEPT running visudo, su, sh, bash, passwd, and yum. We prevent the following from happening:

  • use of visudo to make modifications to the sudoers file
  • switching to a different user
  • executing a new shell as root
  • installing packages and updating the system
  • changing the root password on the system

I know there is some more that should be added to this list.  However, for my particular application, this was suitable.


visudo is very powerful and if not done properly it can break sudo or provide unintentional access.  Do the research before you modify this configuration!


A sudoer still has the capability to compile or rpm a different shell.  From which gets around this entire setup.  Darn.

The above is for rpm based systems, Red Hat or CentOS.  Modify accordingly for debian type OS’s.

Communication is very important in the business world. In working in the support desk, it can be frustrating when working with end users. Today I decided to send off an email to my team restating an issue that is being reported by a particular department. And I must say, I had fun writing this sentence:

They made note that there is a constant issue that continues to occur on a regular basis that is intermittent and sporadic.

I utilize an ironkey for the office and at some point in time I had to utilize a headless linux box for file transfers. However the linux box was missing some packages that are required to be unlock the iron key. In this case I’m utilizing a CentOS 6 x64 system. Here’s some additional packages that I needed in order to get the ironkey working appropriately:


Hopefully that helps some people out there.


And the long story:

My error that I encountered:

[root@testcentos6 linux]# ./ironkey
-bash: ./ironkey: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

To troubleshoot:

[root@testcentos6 linux]# yum provides
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * centosplus:
 * contrib:
 * extras:
 * updates:
glibc-2.12-1.107.el6.i686 : The GNU libc libraries
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Other       :

Then I had another issue:

[root@testcentos6 linux]# ./ironkey
./ironkey: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So take two in troubleshooting:

[root@testcentos6 linux]# yum provides
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * centosplus:
 * contrib:
 * extras:
 * updates:
libgcc-4.4.7-3.el6.i686 : GCC version 4.4 shared support library
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Other       :


[root@testcentos6 linux]# ./ironkey
Enter your IronKey password: ********
Unlock successful.
IronKey device names are cd: /dev/sr1 hdd: /dev/sda


2 ubuntu servers


  • I don’t have DNS in my test environment, hence the host file modifications</li>
  • The domain for my test network is ‘.home’</li>
  • The IP of puppet master is and hostname of puppetmaster</li>
  • The IP of my puppet client is: and hostname of puppetclient</li>

Get Started:

On the puppet server:

Install puppet

apt-get install puppetmaster

Modify “DNS”

vim /etc/hosts

Modify the below (this is so the server knows who the client is): localhost.localdomain localhost puppet puppetclient.home puppetclient

Get my repo

cd /etc/puppet
git clone

Restart puppet for good measure:

service puppetmaster restart

Ensure it starts appropriately, check log files, etc…

On the puppet client

Install puppet

apt-get install puppet

Modify “DNS”

vim /etc/hosts

Insert the below (this is so the client knows who the server is): puppetmaster.home puppetmaster puppet

Configure the service to start

vim /etc/default/puppet

Modify the below appropriately:


Then start the service:

service puppet start

Complete Configuration

Server Certificate

We need to accept the cert provided by the client, on the server:

sudo puppetca --sign puppetclient.home

On the client, let’s restart puppet, and wait for all to install:

service puppet restart
tail -f /var/log/syslog