Testing Puppet


2 ubuntu servers


  • I don’t have DNS in my test environment, hence the host file modifications</li>
  • The domain for my test network is ‘.home’</li>
  • The IP of puppet master is and hostname of puppetmaster</li>
  • The IP of my puppet client is: and hostname of puppetclient</li>

Get Started:

On the puppet server:

Install puppet

apt-get install puppetmaster

Modify “DNS”

vim /etc/hosts

Modify the below (this is so the server knows who the client is): localhost.localdomain localhost puppet puppetclient.home puppetclient

Get my repo

cd /etc/puppet
git clone git@github.com:jtslear/bearded-octo-hipster.git

Restart puppet for good measure:

service puppetmaster restart

Ensure it starts appropriately, check log files, etc…

On the puppet client

Install puppet

apt-get install puppet

Modify “DNS”

vim /etc/hosts

Insert the below (this is so the client knows who the server is): puppetmaster.home puppetmaster puppet

Configure the service to start

vim /etc/default/puppet

Modify the below appropriately:


Then start the service:

service puppet start

Complete Configuration

Server Certificate

We need to accept the cert provided by the client, on the server:

sudo puppetca --sign puppetclient.home

On the client, let’s restart puppet, and wait for all to install:

service puppet restart
tail -f /var/log/syslog

John T Skarbek

John T Skarbek
Im an Infrastructure Engineer at CA Technologies in the Agile Business Unit. Reading and using the latest and greatest of technology is what I want to be doing. Blogging is not something I do on any regular basis (and it shows).

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