The List of Goals for 2009
So I need to make a list of crap I’d like to do for the year 2009 on this server. Begin the bullets in no particular order:
- Folding@Home
- File Sharing
- Update Wordpress
- Documentation
- Work on Posting more
To note that I don’t like the way the default wordpress does bullets. I guess I will have to use HTML to write up my future posts. In the meantime. I have Folding@Home working. It’s is even set up to start at boot. I will post that information in a later post. The next thing I would like to work on, is setting up some sort of either plugin for wordpress, or statically configure a part of the homepage to show some of the stats that this little server is chugging out. I know it’s a slow server. By no means is it going to kick butt when it comes to processing. But I am still curious about that amount of work that it does do in a certain amount of time.
The next thing I have on the list is LDAP. Being that this is a single server home environment, I can’t see what LDAP will be able to provide for me in the future. However I would still like to play with it some. If I can set up some sort of enterprise network inside of here, rock on. If not, bummer. But I want to play with it more to see what LDAP’s capabilities are, and also to learn more to build up my skills in something.
File Sharing is the next thing listed. Currently this server is setup with AFP sharing. Again I’ll put all that information in another post. My current environment involves one apple that has Time Machine. So I figured I’d play with a file sharing protocol I’ve never really touch based on before and see what happens. Low and behold, I can now backup my mac over the network.
My wordpress version is outdated. Even though the update may only take 5 minutes, I still want to write it on the list so that even I have a document proving that I was supposed to do something by the year 2010 rolls by.
The next two basically explain themselves and tie into each other a tad. I’d like to document more of what I do. Right now I usually just play around. I feel that if I were to type my sandbox like acts, people would laugh at me. But now is the time to post up here what I do and hope that someone will provide me with some legitimate feedback. This will also include posting more to my blog obviously.